

关爱老年 服务到家

关爱老年 服务到家

今天(8月22日)我们很荣幸地请到新西兰汉密尔顿老年关爱服务中心的Mrs Cail到我们晚晴活动中心,她和市政府民族事务顾问Philip 杨一起为我们会员主持了一场关爱老年调查听证会,她首先问我们了解不了解该服务中心服务的内容,当大家表示不清础时,她简要介绍了该组织的四项主要服务:





Mrs Cail非常热情地问大家:你们会不会用这样的服务?大家认为有可能,反映主要因为语言障碍,很难与该组织联系,她真诚地表示要考虑大家的实际,帮助解决语言问题,找到合适的义工。希望大家有什么问题与他们联系,大家以热烈的掌声感谢她,感谢新西兰政府对老年人的关爱。



文稿:郭 冰 摄影:裘福春


Age Concern Hamilton Services:老年关爱服务中心能为你提供如下服务:

Support Services, Information, Advice and Personal Advocacy:

Responding in person/phone to a range of queries from older people and their carers eg. Advising where to obtain a service, what is available. Providing confidential support and empowerment to older people.

Information Resources:

Providing written materials eg. pamphlets and resources eg. videos and books.

Visiting Services:

Providing visitors who make regular visits to socially isolated older people in their homes via Age Concern Accredited Visiting Service and non-accredited programmes.


Holding education seminars for the public eg. positive ageing, Enduring Power of Attorney, etc.

Social Activities: Holding events that provide social connection between older people eg. drop in centres

Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Service: Providing confidential support, advocacy and information for people facing elder abuse and neglect.

In-home Support:

Referring on to recommended services (eg. trade services) that can provide for the necessary maintenance work to be done in client's homes. Referring on volunteer workers to undertake small jobs for older people eg. gardening


Holding exercise programmes in the local community.

Sale or loan of equipment:

Wheelchairs; scooters, and other adaptive equipment available.


Providing representation and advice on older peoples' issues to local influential groups eg. District Councils.

Fieldwork Service:

Providing community social care and wellbeing support for older people who need help and do not fall under any other support agency.

Health and Education Training:

Providing training courses to all the rest home staff in the Waikato plus in-service basic awareness education.

Shopping Service:

Assisting older people with their weekly grocery shopping. Also provide an on-line shopping service.

Year established 成立年份: 1982

Contact Information 联系信息:

Postal address: 30 Victoria Street Hamilton 3204

Physical address: Celebrating Age Centre, 30 Victoria Street, Hamilton

Telephone: 07 838 2266

Facsimile: 07 838 2268

Email: postmaster@ageconcern.gen.nz


