Benefit changes - how it could affect you
If you're receiving a benefit from us, or thinking about applying, there's going to be some changes to your obligations over the next year. Make sure you know what's changing and how it will affect you.
From 15 October there are changes to some benefits to encourage and support more people into work. Paid work can provide a better future for you and will help you become financially independent.
If you're in receipt of the following benefits you may have new obligations to look for work or prepare for work:
• Domestic Purposes Benefit - Sole Parent
• Domestic Purposes Benefit - Woman Alone
• Widows Benefit
• Partners of people on Unemployment Benefit, Sickness Benefit and Invalid's Benefit.
If you're in receipt of the following benefits you won't have a change to your obligations:
• New Zealand Super and Non Qualified Spouses
• Unemployment Benefit
• Invalids Benefit
• Sickness Benefit
• Domestic Purposes Benefit - Care of Sick and Infirm
• Non beneficiaries
• Unsupported child benefit
• Orphans benefit
On a benefit and having another child
From 15 October 2012 if you are on a benefit and have another child, once that child turns one you may have a change in obligations.