

Judy 讲新西兰养老服务(英语)


Judy 讲新西兰养老服务



Be a New Zealand citizen

Or Hold a residence class visa ( residence permit, resident visa, or permanent resident visa

Or Be a refugee or protected person.

2. Care support programmes

A. Disability Support Link undertake a physical needs assessment.

This will determine levels of physical support you may need to carry out activities of daily living.

For example:

Assistance with housework- usually only available if you live alone, but may be available in some other circumstances. This will include vacuuming floors, changing linen on beds, laundry, ironing.

Assistance with showering or bathing –usually 2-3 times per week

This assessment can also determine safety and ability to live at home.

B. Assessment for residential care

This assessment is usually undertaken in your own home, but can also take place in Waikato Hospital if you are an inpatient.

An Assessor from Disability Support link undertake this assessment, and it can take up to 2-4 hours in total.

C. The assessment will take into consideration the following:

Physical ability- walking, getting in and out of bed and chairs, how stable you are on your feet when walking.

Your mental state, are you confused, do you have memory loss, are you depressed, do you go out on your own or with family?

If you do not meet the criteria to enter care, additional some support may be provided, until your condition deteriorates further, you can then be assessed again.

3. Key Criteria for entry to care:

Do you have a medical condition that can be reversed by treatment, eg hip replacement

Can you be safely supported in the community

If you need long term residential care indefinitely –do you need Resthome, Dementia Care or Hospital level care


You may choose what facility you wish to receive care in, as long as that facility provides the level of care that you need, and has a vacancy when you need it.

If you wish to go to a facility that is outside the Waikato District Health Board, (say near families in Auckland), there is a process that must be gone through to transfer to another District Health Board.


You will need to take into consideration what kind of facility you wish to enter.

Some facilities will have bathrooms (ensuites) attached to the room, which may be shared by 2 people

Some will have communal bathrooms and toilets shared with several others, down a corridor. This depends mostly on how old the facility is.

Some facilities will have additional charges for different rooms. This is usually about room size, ensuites etc rather than extra care,

Most will have a mix of rooms some of which will be premium rooms (extra charge)

In all facilities there will be add on charges for extra services, e.g. telephone in room, Supplied television, hair dressing etc.

6. There are different ownership models.

Some are owned by religious orders ( Assisi is owned by the Sisters of Mercy. A Catholic order of Nuns)

Some are owned by private individuals

Some are owned by large corporations, which may be listed on the stock Market.

Each will have a slightly different ethos of care


Approximately $820.00 per week including GST. For individuals this cost is the same, regardless of where care is provided- Resthome, Hospital or Dementia Unit.

This covers accommodation, meals, laundry, care staff, cleaning, Doctors visits and medication costs.

Some factors are charged on top of this if utilised. Telephone in room, premium rooms, hairdressing, podiatry, some medication.

8. Subsidy

Some people may qualify for funding assistance

For Immigrants you will need to show a residents visa, or a permanent resident visa.

By Judy Hindrup

Chief Executive Officer

Atawhai Mercy Assisi Home & Hospital


