Venue: Waikato Museum
Date: 1 April 2009
“Walk with Me” encourages people to connect either emotionally or practically with refugees resettled here in New Zealand. The exhibition aims to enable people to understand and share experiences and knowledge, and to offer friendship, support and practical help.
“Walk with Me” provides an insight into the experiences of refugees highlighting some of the circumstances that force people to leave their homes and the issues confronting refugees from the time of leaving their homeland to resettling in a new country - a journey that can take many years. The programme looks at ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances and are forced to rebuild their lives in unfamiliar surroundings.
2009年4月1日,近40名晚晴人参观了怀卡托博物馆主办的“与我同行 – 新西兰难民经历展”。“与我同行”鼓励我们在情感和实践的层面与生活在新西兰的难民相联系,这个展览旨在帮助我们了解难民的生活,分享知识,建立友谊,提供支持与帮助。
“与我同行”给我们以启示,使我们更好地理解难民是如何被迫离开生育和养育他们的土地,理解他们从离开故土那一刻起所面对的困难 – 在一个新的国度里安居,是一个漫长的历程。这个展览是平凡人讲述不平凡的故事:他们被迫在一个陌生的环境里重建生活的故事。
