

汉密尔顿市City Council的一次会议视频

3月27日汉密尔顿City Council 举行会议,讨论Hamilton Gardens发展计划,现将视频献上,请大家分享。看市政府如何民主决策的,政府工作是如何运作的!

      Hamilton City Council is ready to reinvest
28 March 2014

The Council yesterday adopted its draft Annual Plan, which includes budget allocated to significantly develop Hamilton Gardens, finish a plan for development around the river, upgrade playgrounds and allow free access to pools for children under-5s.

The council also agreed to invest an additional $362,000 on city safety initiatives, responding to an urgent call for action from the community, addressing concerns that people were feeling unsafe in some public areas.

Mayor Hardaker says "The Council’s financial performance is tracking better than originally planned. We are on track to balance the books by 2017 and are now able to direct investment to the things that matter to Hamiltonians”

The City is keeping to its planned rates rise of 3.8% and within debt limits due to operational savings that have been made, asset sales and reassignment of some budgets.

Mayor Hardaker: “I am really excited about this Annual Plan. I think the projects we are proposing reflects what the people who live here want. We’re investing in things that are special to Hamilton’s identity and things that give us the unique lifestyle that we enjoy”.

Proposals in the draft include:
an additional $362,000 on city safety initiatives
$10 plus gst charged to every property for four years to enable completion of five new themed gardens at Hamilton Gardens
destination playgrounds being upgraded
free access to Council pools for under-5s.

The draft Plan is open for feedback from 2 April - 2 May. Copies will be available on our website at www.hamilton.govt.nz/annualplan and a summary document will be delivered to all residents on 5 April in the latest City News.


Name: Julie Hardaker

Designation: Hamilton Mayor

Mobile: 021 284 8681

Email: mayor@hcc.govt.nz

